
I will refer to this disclaimer on a regular basis as it is important to note. This website is made for entertainment purposes only and should be viewed as such.

Firstly, all diagnoses, comments and analysis are based solely on the characters in any given piece of work. These comments made on this website are not a reflection of individual actors, but only the characters that they play. Posts are based solely on fictional characters.

Secondly, any rationale for diagnoses for mental health conditions apply only to those being discussed. The information on this website should not be used for self diagnosis, or the diagnosis of others.

Thirdly, this page does not give out psychological advice nor offer psychological treatment due to it’s public nature. If you require psychological consultation on a one on one basis please see your local primary health care provider.

This website is unauthorised and does not speak on behalf or assume to know the real intentions of writers, directors and producers of certain works, unless otherwise stated.

Further, this website often includes affiliate links for products that are relevant to the blog posts, buying from an affiliate link means that Couch Potato Psychology receives a commission, which does not impact the price to you. Affiliate links allow this blog to continue to produce content and stay live.

Lastly, SPOILER ALERT, for most of the shows and films that I talk about on this site there will be spoilers. I keep up to date with the series that I comment on, so therefore if you are a few seasons behind and don’t want to hear what happens, don’t read on!